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VAT Guide for Businesses with Customers in Portugal

  • This is a guide for businesses with customers in Portugal regarding VAT regulations.
  • There are different VAT rates for mainland Portugal, the Madeira archipelago, and the Azores.
  • The standard rate is 23% in mainland Portugal, 22% in Madeira, and 16% in the Azores.  There are also intermediate and reduced rates for certain goods and services.
  • Some services are exempt from VAT.
  • The VAT registration threshold for domestic established sellers is EUR 13,500 (net), with no threshold for non-established sellers.
  • The VAT number format for individuals and businesses is nine digits. Portugal applies the harmonized EU VAT rules for electronically supplied services (ESS).
  • For B2C supplies of ESS, until the sales value reaches EUR 10,000, the seller can charge VAT where it is resident.
  • Once the sales exceed the threshold, the seller should register for VAT in Portugal or account for the VAT under the EU’s One Stop Shop (OSS) regime.
  • There are examples of taxable ESS in Portugal, including website supply, software supply, and distance teaching.

Source Fonoa

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