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The 2 phases and 7 waves of implementation of E-Invoicing in Saudi Arabia

The journey so far …

Phase 1 – Generation
From 4 December 2021 the issuance, generation and storage of e-documents, including invoices, credit notes, and debit notes, became mandatory for all taxpayers subject to VAT in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. An electronic invoice is generated and stored in data structured files. Paper, handwritten invoices, unstructered data files, PDF images or scan copies of images are not considered e-invoices.

Phase 2 – integration
From 1 January 2023, all taxpayers must integrate into the ZATCA platform and send e-invoices in a defined structured format: UBL 2.1, or Hybrid PDF/A-3 with embedded UBL 2.1. It will also continue to follow the legal e-archiving requirements as per phase 1. In the roll-out of phase 2 e-invoicing, ZATCA have announced this will be implemented in waves based in taxpayer revenues:


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