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Webinar Sovos – How non-resident companies can get ready for France’s E-Invoicing Mandate in July 2024? (July 20)

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From 1 July 2024, the French e-invoicing mandate CTC will progressively become obligatory for all enterprises established or headquartered in France. The country is implementing the mandatory use of electronic invoices (e-reporting) for domestic B2B transactions as it launches its real-time data submission process.

The reporting requirements are very complex, and this major change will have a considerable impact on your information systems and business processes. It’s essential to prepare now to minimise the risks of late or unsuitable implementation.

In this webinar, our experts will outline the new regulations, the role the PDP platform plays and how you can ensure your business meets VAT requirements in France. Topics will include:

  • Real time submission of invoice data in mandatory formats
  • VAT registered foreign operators’ obligation to report transaction data
  • Role of PDPs as authorized service providers
  • Registrations to consider when trading in France
  • Reporting obligations before July 2024

Source Sovos

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