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How does a VAT group work in Romania?


VAT grouping is allowed under Romanian VAT law. Under the rules currently in effect, a minimum of two taxable persons may form a fiscal group if all the  members meet the following conditions:
• They are established in Romania
• They do not belong to another fiscal group
• They use the same tax period
• Their capital is held directly or indirectly in a proportion of more than 50% by the same shareholders

The VAT grouping in Romania is allowed between taxable persons established in Romania, independent from a juridical point of view and who are in a close link from a financial, economic and organizational point of view. A close link from a financial, economic and organizational point of view is considered to be there if the taxable persons involved have capital owned directly or indirectly of more than 50% by the same associates.

Taxable transactions

Transactions between the members of the group fall within the scope of VAT.

Joint liability

All members of a VAT group in Romania are jointly and severally liable for VAT debts and penalties.

Minimum period

The minimum time period required for the duration of a VAT group is two years.


  • VAT grouping is allowed only for VAT reporting (for consolidation purposes).
  • Members of a VAT group each calculate and file their own VAT returns with tax authorities. he group representative submits both individual and consolidated VAT returns.
  • The VAT payable and refundable positions of all members must be compensated before remitting VAT to the state budget.
  • Being part of a VAT group only benefits cash-flow, as the representative is responsible for remitting or requesting VAT refunds.

Excluded from a VAT group

Holding companies. In Romania, a pure holding company cannot be a member of a VAT group.

The legislation does not mention the case of pure holding companies. However, a pure holding would not be VAT registered, as it would not perform economic activities.


See also 


VATIT Compliance
