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Tax inspectors have tightened controls at large companies – VAT had the largest share

  • The actions carried out by the inspectors of the General Directorate for the Administration of Large Taxpayers (DGAMC) at ANAF have resulted in a budgetary impact of 3.37 billion lei in the first half of this year, which is seven times higher than the same period in 2020.
  • The reduction of tax loss accounts for the largest part of this amount, followed by additional amounts established through documentary verification actions.
  • DGAMC administers several thousand large companies, and their efforts have resulted in the collection of 175.2 billion lei last year, representing 47% of ANAF’s total revenues.
  • The additional amounts determined following tax inspections increased by 11%, with VAT and profit tax being the main contributors.
  • Documentary verification has proven to be more effective than classic fiscal inspection, bringing in 265.8 million lei from only 23 verifications.



VATIT Compliance
