5 Major Developments in Spain
- A draft Royal Decree with regard to the electronic invoice between companies and professionals has been introduced in Spain
Temporary Zero VAT Rate on Basic Foods Extended Until December 31, 2023
Bad Debts (Relief for Underpaid Sales Invoices)
Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT) issues consultation on VAT bad debt rules
Spain’s New VAT Bad Debt Relief Rules Remain Open to Challenge
- Spain Introduces Implements DAC7, and Amends DAC6 Rules for Professional Secrecy
- DAC7 transposed into Spanish legislation, amendments to DAC6
Bill Implementing DAC7, VAT, Income Tax, and FATCA Implications for Finance and Insurance Industries
- Bill Implementing DAC7 Enacted, Implications for Financial Institutions
Spain Introduces Implements DAC7, and Amends DAC6 Rules for Professional Secrecy
DAC7 transposed into Spanish legislation, amendments to DAC6
- Bill Implementing DAC7, VAT, Income Tax, and FATCA Implications for Finance and Insurance Industries
Deduction (Input Tax Credit)
High Court of Justice of Galicia: VAT deduction even in case of SII errors or delays
- Resolution: Regularization of incorrectly charged VAT
Guidance about incorrectly charged VAT and unjust enrichment
Taxpayers have the right to deduct VAT incurred: TEAC Resolution clarifies
Edicom Webinar – Spain: Do you want to know what the technical regulation entails? (Sept 19)
B2B electronic invoicing in Spain is getting closer every day
Spain Released a Draft Regulation of the B2B e-Invoice Regime
Invoicing Revolution in Spain: New Royal Decree on Electronic Invoices and B2B Obligations
Spain Updates Draft Regulations for Proposed B2B E-Invoicing Regime
- Draft of the Spanish e-invoicing regulation – A summary
- Spain has released further information regarding the upcoming B2B mandate
Spanish mandatory B2B e-invoices draft technical specifications and regulations
- Bizkaia SII: Technical documentation updated
What is considered by TicketBAI guarantor software in the Basque Country?
B2B e-Invoicing Law published on the official Gazette in Spain
B2B e-Invoicing Law published on the official Gazette in Spain
Environmental Tax
EU Policy
Court Ruling: Hunting Lease of Rural Land Not Exempt from VAT
VAT Treatment of Sale of Refurbished Storage Units – DGT Consultation
Leasing of Rural Land for Solar Panels Subject to VAT in Spain, According to AEAT Consultation
- Archive obligations in Spain
Audit procedure for new fiscalization in Spain (mainland territory)
What Represents the “VeriFactu” Fiscalization System in Spain?
What is considered by TicketBAI guarantor software in the Basque Country?
What will the new fiscalization requirements change in Spain?
Fraud / Tax Evasion
- New law includes measures transposing DAC 7 into domestic law, changes to concept ”import of goods” and Use & Enjoyment
Supreme Court: Deferred VAT on imports – Inadmissibility of surcharge in certain cases
- Resolution: Regularization of incorrectly charged VAT
- What Represents the “VeriFactu” Fiscalization System in Spain?
Legislative Change
Liability (Reverse Charge/Withholding)
Place of Supply
- New law includes measures transposing DAC 7 into domestic law, changes to concept ”import of goods” and Use & Enjoyment
- Bill implementing DAC7 and new use and enjoyment rules
Temporary Zero VAT Rate on Basic Foods Extended Until December 31, 2023
VAT reduction on food and other crisis-fighting measures extended until the end of the year
Spain won’t reinstate VAT on basic foods until price rises ease – minister
- Temporary VAT reductions in Spain
- Spain applies temporarily 0% rate to certain foodstuffs
Extension of the reduced VAT rates on certain food products in Spain
Extension until June 30, 2023 of the 5% and 0% VAT rates for certain products
Real Estate/Immovable Property
- Court Ruling: Hunting Lease of Rural Land Not Exempt from VAT
- VAT Treatment of Sale of Refurbished Storage Units – DGT Consultation
- Reverse charge applies when the buyers of the properties are non-established individuals who will use them for rental purposes
- Spanish court rules on the application of VAT reverse charge on the delivery of real estate taxed with real charges
Real Time Reporting/Continuous Transaction Controls
- High Court of Justice of Galicia: VAT deduction even in case of SII errors or delays
- Draft regulation of the Create and Grow Law
- ALL newsletters (so far) on the draft regulations on the electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) regulations
- Spain Updates Draft Regulations for Proposed B2B E-Invoicing Regime
- B2B E-invoicing Draft Regulation Published
- Draft e-invoicing regulations published
Spain has released further information regarding the upcoming B2B mandate
- Mandatory electronic invoicing in B2B operations – Draft of the Royal Decree Project by which the obligation of electronic invoicing is developed
- Spanish mandatory B2B e-invoices draft technical specifications and regulations
- Clarification: input VAT paid by foreign entities for acquisition of properties intended for rental purposes
Clarifications on the VAT Refund scheme for Non-EU Travellers
Reporting / Compliance
- Bizkaia: What is Batuz LROE?
Bill Implementing DAC7 Enacted, Implications for Financial Institutions
Spain will allow Tax Payments via Direct Debit from Foreign Bank Accounts
- Supreme Court: Deferred VAT on imports – Inadmissibility of surcharge in certain cases
Supply of Services
- New law includes measures transposing DAC 7 into domestic law, changes to concept ”import of goods” and Use & Enjoyment
- Use and Enjoyment rules further limited – only applicable to B2B leasing services of means of transport
Taxable Amount
- Adapted to RD 249/2023, model 036 and the keeping of VAT book-registration through the electronic headquarters of the AEAT
- Customs Authorities issue new guidelines on provisional customs value
Taxable Transaction
Tax authorities cannot recharacterize a transaction without considering the parties’ true intention
VAT on services rendered to the company by an employee who is a partner/director? It depends
Tax Authorities / Penalties
- Edicom Webinar – Spain: Do you want to know what the technical regulation entails? (Sept 19)
- Sovos webinar- Recorded sesssion – VAT Snapshot: What does the future hold for e-invoicing in Spain, France, KSA and Germany? (April 27)
- Sovos webinar: VAT Snapshot: What does the future hold for e-invoicing in Spain, France, KSA and Germany? (April 27)
- Sovos webinar: VAT Snapshot: What does the future hold for e-invoicing in Spain, France, KSA and Germany? (April 27)
- Sovos webinar: VAT Snapshot: What does the future hold for e-invoicing in Spain, France, KSA and Germany? (April 27)