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Comments on ECJ C-232/22: LegalNews asked Attorney Ine Lejeune for more information about the impact of this groundbreaking judgment

  • The Cabot Plastics Belgium SA case dealt with whether a contractor can be considered a Permanent Establishment of its client if the contractor works exclusively for the client.
  • A writ of execution was issued against Cabot Plastics Belgium SA regarding the collection of €10,609,844.08 VAT and a fine of €1,060,980. The VAT administration considered Cabot Plastics Belgium SA to be a Belgian permanent establishment of the Swiss company Cabot Switzerland GMBH (CSG).
  • The court partially annulled the writ of execution as regards the fine, but Cabot Plastics Belgium SA appealed.
  • The Court of Appeal in Liège requested a preliminary ruling from the Court of Justice on three questions.
  • The Court of Justice ruled that before there can be a permanent establishment, the company not established in Belgium must be able to dispose of its ‘own’ technical resources and ‘own’ personnel in a ‘sustainable’ manner for purchasing and using the services locally for the purpose of carrying out taxable transactions.
  • The Court ruled that this was not the case with Cabot Plastics Belgium SA and that the client in Switzerland had ‘substance’. It is not because the contractor works ‘exclusively’ for its client and also performs additional services, eg. in terms of logistics, that the contractor is the permanent establishment of its client.

Source Legalnews

See also

  • Join the Linkedin Group on ECJ VAT Cases, click HERE
  • For an overview of ECJ cases per article of the EU VAT Directive, click HERE


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