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The recipe for successful VAT refunds

Some trends I find hard to understand. If you open a cookbook nowadays, you first get pages of information about the country, the culture and the background of all the ingredients you might need before you get to see any of the real recipes. I am still of the generation that I just want to read: “You need 1¼ litres of broth (tablet) and you put in 1 onion, 60 grams of butter, 300 grams of risotto rice, 100 ml of dry white wine and 75 grams of Parmigiano Reggiano. Ready!”

This article is not about rice. It’s about VAT savings. You should read it.

“VAT on expenses always remains an underexposed part of the VAT function. In some cases the VAT specialist or the finance department is not even involved in processing and accounting for the reimbursement of staff expenses. A simple sample or analysis of the type of expenses and the VAT amounts can give a first impression of the VAT you are missing.”

Source: Less Grey

