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Country fact sheets: eInvoicing in Malta

  • Malta has transposed the eInvoicing Directive via Legal Notices 403 and 404 of 2018, under the Financial Administration and Audit Act and the Local Councils Act.
  • The Maltese government promotes eInvoicing in its Digital Malta national strategy, and the strategic plan for the digital transformation of the public administration for 2019-2021 includes eInvoicing.
  • Malta is currently implementing a Corporate Financial Management Solution (CFMS) to process eInvoices across the central government.
  • Economic operators will be able to submit eInvoices to contracting authorities through their eInvoice solution and service providers.
  • Malta will adopt the Peppol BIS Billing 3.0 to receive eInvoices via the Peppol eDelivery network.
  • The benefits of electronic invoicing include faster and more cost-effective processing, efficient control over cash flow, reducing delivery and print costs, removing manual data entry, and increasing transparency.
  • The eInvoicing legislation made eInvoicing mandatory only for amounts above the EU procurement thresholds.
  • The implementation of eInvoicing at the sub-central level is still in progress, and different ERP/Accounting packages may delay the adoption of an automated approach.



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