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The application of fines for errors in the issuance of CFDI with Carta Porte Complement begins

What is Carta Porte Complement?

  • The complementary waybill is important as it is a legal proof of shipment of the goods.
  • Without this document, the goods cannot be picked up when they arrive at their destination. It is a legal documentation that protects the company in charge of the transport.
  • Even during the transport route, in some controls, this letter is requested. In case the carrier does not have the complementary waybill when required, he will be fined or sanctioned. Smuggling charges may even be brought against him.
  • The cost of fines can range from 760 pesos to 14,710 pesos.
  • The merchandise may be retained and represents a delay in your delivery time.
  • In addition to the importance of having this document, it is also essential to mention that this letter must be free of irregularities. The information in this letter must be complete and true.


The application of fines for errors in the issuance of CFDI with Carta Porte Complement begins

  • Starting from August 1, 2023, fines will be applied for incorrect issuance of CFDI with Carta Porte Complement.
  • The Carta Porte must be issued before the transfer of merchandise to prove legal possession during transfer.
  • In foreign trade operations, invoices with Carta Porte complement will be required. Infractions include not issuing CFDIs when required or issuing them without complying with regulatory and technical requirements.
  • Fines range from $400 to $600 for each CFDI not issued with the supplement and may reach up to $112,650 or even preventive closure in cases of recidivism.





VATIT Compliance
