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New National Standard for the Electronic Invoice of Services in Brazil

The situation in Brazil in relation to the Electronic Fiscal Services Note (NFS-e) is defined by the fact that each municipality has the autonomy to define its standards and requirements which its taxpayers must follow. With this background scenario, each city developed its requirements to meet its specific needs, which ended up creating problems and difficulties for the NFS-e issuing companies operating in many cities, as they needed to adapt their systems to each of the standards, layouts and other requirements required by the municipalities. The creation of the NFS-e Agreement, on June 30, 2022, signed by Receita Federal Brasileira (RFB), Confederação Nacional dos Municipios (CNM) and other relevant associations, established the National System of NFS-e (Nota Fiscal de Serviço Eletrônica), with the objective of creating a national standard of NFS-e throughout the country.



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