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Country fact sheets: eInvoicing in Greece

eInvoicing Country Factsheets for each Member State & other countries

  • Greece adopted the transposition of Directive 2014/55/EU into its law in 2019, which aligns with the text and scope of the Directive.
  • However, two Joint Ministerial Decisions (JMDs) were mandated to stipulate the details regarding the adoption of the semantic data model of eInvoices and the architecture of eInvoicing in Greece.
  • The Ministry of Finance issued Ministerial Decision No. 1017/14.02.2020, which specifies the eInvoice format for B2B transactions, and Ministerial Decision No. A.1035/18.02.2020, which stipulates rules and regulations regarding eInvoicing Service Providers.
  • Two Joint Ministerial Decisions were issued for further specification and guidance on how to use the European semantic data model specifications of eInvoice in public procurement, adopting the four-corner model interoperability architecture of Peppol eDelivery network.
  • Greece published Law 4972/2022, which mandates the use of electronic invoices for all sales made to the government and includes new sanctions for non-compliance.
  • The eInvoicing implementation in Greece includes an informative website, a Contracting Authorities Registry, a web application for distributing eInvoices, and a National Interoperability Centre responsible for receiving all eInvoices by suppliers/contractors through certified eInvoice Service Providers and the Peppol network.



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