5 Major Developments in Austria
- Country fact sheets: eInvoicing in Austria
Austria Measures to combat VAT fraud through payment service provider reporting obligations
Bad Debts (Relief for Underpaid Sales Invoices)
Deduction (Input Tax Credit)
Case: Input tax adjustment ex tunc if there was no right to deduction
- Case: Mandatory input tax adjustment for advance payments
E-Commerce / Electronic Services
ECJ (European Court of Justice)
Administrative Court: VAT implications of outsourcing credit card services to a German company
- Flashback on ECJ cases C-172/03 (Heiser) – Switch from taxation regime to exemption, without requiring an adjustment for capital goods, qualifies as state aid
Fraud / Tax Evasion
- Deficient Service Description and VAT Deduction
Accounting information when applying the simplification rule for triangular transactions
Liability (Reverse Charge/Withholding)
Place of Supply
Real Estate/Immovable Property
Real Time Reporting/Continuous Transaction Controls
Reporting / Compliance
SAF-T (Standard Audit File for Tax)
Taxable Person
Taxable Transaction
- ECJ C-249/22 (Gebühren Info Service GmbH (GIS)) – AG Opinion – Additional Programme fee of the Österreichischer Rundfunk is to be considered as consideration
Administrative Court: VAT implications of Sale of Medical Waste by Hospitals to Scrap Dealers