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Invoicing Revolution in Spain: New Royal Decree on Electronic Invoices and B2B Obligations

  • The Spanish government has released a draft Royal Decree that expands on the electronic invoicing requirements for B2B transactions under Law 18/2022.
  • The e-invoicing system will consist of certified service providers and a public e-invoicing solution, which will also act as an invoice repository managed by the tax administration.
  • Service providers must support electronic invoices in specific syntax formats and send a copy to the Spanish public platform.
  • A digital signature is required when issuing electronic invoices through service providers, but not when using the public solution.
  • Recipients must notify the issuer of the e-invoice status with specific responses.
  • Large companies must issue electronic invoices 12 months after the publication of the decree, and other taxpayers have a 24-month obligation.
  • The obligation to send mandatory invoice responses will apply to companies with an annual turnover of more than 6 million euros, 36 months after the publication of the law.
  • The draft decree also outlines the requirements for becoming a certified e-invoicing service provider in Spain.
  • Overall, the new Royal Decree presents opportunities for companies to comply with tax regulations, and the eBIn Cloud solution can help businesses achieve compliance not only in Spain but worldwide.

Source Global E-Invoicing news


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