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Country fact sheets: eInvoicing in Croatia

eInvoicing Country Factsheets for each Member State & other countries

  • Croatia has implemented the European standard on eInvoicing under UBL 2.1.
  • The Act on eInvoicing in public procurement, which transposed Directive 55/2014/EU, entered into force on 1 November 2018. The Act broadened the scope of the Directive and made eInvoicing mandatory for procurement procedures below certain thresholds. The Act also introduced mandatory issuance of structured eInvoices for suppliers/issuers of eInvoices to public administrations.
  • There is a central national platform for the exchange of eInvoices, Servis eRačun za državu.
  • All information intermediaries for B2G eInvoice exchanges must connect to this platform, which interconnects public purchasers, contracting authorities, sectoral contractors and information intermediaries with their clients.



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