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Global Tax Policy and Controversy Watch – June 2023 edition

VAT related:

Decision of CJEU on Bulgarian referral raises refund potential for certain VAT payments

The Court of Justice of the European Union issued an important decision opening the door to the possibility of obtaining a refund of value-added tax (VAT) paid due to adjustment of the input VAT deduction when goods that have lost their usefulness are scrapped.

Italian Tax Authority rules effects of UK VAT groups not recognized for Italian VAT purposes

The Italian Tax Authority has published a ruling response addressing the VAT relevance of supplies between an Italian branch or head office and a United Kingdom branch or head office of the same entity, where the UK establishment is a member of a UK VAT group.

Costa Rican Executive Branch files comprehensive tax reform bills

The Costa Rican Executive Branch filed several bills that seek to reform the current tax system. The bills include approving a new Income Tax Law, eliminating specific VAT exemptions and granting greater control and inspection powers to the Tax Authority.

Source EY


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