Agenda and registration can be found HERE
09:30 – 17:30 Lectures and panels
18:30 – 22:00 Networking evening event
The introduction of an electronic reporting system / e-invoice from the point of view of the financial administration (working title)
dr Armin Rolfink Vice-President and Head of Department III (Customs; Sales Tax; Excise Tax), Federal Ministry of Finance
The introduction of an electronic reporting system / e-bill from the point of view of the profession
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schwab President of the Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors and the Munich Chamber of Tax Advisors
Introduction of an electronic reporting system for invoices in Germany
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schwab President of the Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors and the Munich Chamber of Tax Advisors
Georg Geberth Chairman of the Board Institute for Digitization in Tax Law (IDSt) and Director Global Tax Policy Siemens
Dr. Lars Meyer-Pries Member of the Executive Board, Head of Strategy, Innovation, Markets & Customers, DATEV
Carsten Rothbart Head of the Tax and Financial Policy Department Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH)
Moderation: Stefan Groß Member of the Electronic Invoicing Association (VeR) and partner of the law firm Peters, Schoenberger & Partners
The e-bill as a future model
Torge Link Team Leader Public Solutions and
Sven Holtmann Product Manager, xSuite Group
B2B E-Invoicing mandate to start by July 2024: Last preparations and implications of ViDA
Cyrille Sautereau Chair of the French Forum on E-Invoicing (FNFE-MPE), France
National plans on E-Invoicing as a reaction on ViDA
Wouter Bollaert Federal Public Service Finance, Belgium
Cyrille Sautereau President French E-Invoicing Forum, France
Jakob Stenfalk Special Advisor, Danish Business Authority, Denmark
Magnus Kempe Advisor, Swedish Tax Agency, Sweden
Moderation: Alexander Kollmann Head of Tax Technology, Schwarz Dienstleistungs KG ( Lidl, Kaufland) and user group TaxVoice
Field report receipt of invoices at the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW)
Ulrike Flaskamp and Emelie Schreiber Operational Support Department U 4 Finances, Federal Agency for Technical Relief
A trip around the world through e-invoicing: these countries and deadlines are approaching
Esiva Campos and Andrea Gildemeister EDICOM
Peppol for E-Invoicing and Continuous Transaction Controls
Philip Helger OpenPeppol
ViDA as a blueprint for a successful, nationwide introduction of e-billing in Germany
Andreas Michalewicz Department for IT and Digitization, Hessian Ministry of Finance and Deputy Head of FeRD and Head of Competence Center 1 “Communication Business and Administration”
Dieter Keller TRAFFIQX network
Further panel guests in consultation
Moderation: Richard Luthardt Board of the Electronic Invoice Association (VeR)
Everything is hard before it gets easy!
Marc Gassert
18:00 – approx. 22:00
09:00 – 16:00 Lectures and panels
16:00 – 16:30 Farewell and conclusion in the exhibition
The machine is alive: master hacks with ChatGPT and other AI tools
Stefan Groß Member of the board of the Electronic Invoicing Association (VeR) and partner in the law firm Peters, Schönberger & Partner
How will ViDA change the tax landscape and what specific measures need to be taken now?
Alexander Kollmann Head of Tax Technology, Schwarz Dienstleistungs KG (Lidl, Kaufland) and User-Group TaxVoice
Gregor Danielmeyer Oberfinanzdirektion NRW
Further panel guests in consultation
Moderation: Jan Körner Director VAT, BASF and board member Institute for Digitization in Tax Law (IDSt)
The most common mistakes when implementing e-billing and how to avoid them
dr Philipp Liegl ecosio
What special requirements do medium-sized companies have in the course of the introduction of the mandatory e-bill?
Simone Schlewitz Head of the Tax and Financial Policy Department, Central Association of German Crafts and Trades (ZDH)
Charleen Roloff Legal Tech & Law Advisor, BITKOM eV
Other panel guests in consultation
Moderation: Ivo Moszynski Head of the Electronic Invoicing Germany Forum (FeRD)
XStandards Purchasing: The standard family of public purchasing
dr Lars Rölker-Denker Coordination Office for IT Standards (KoSIT), Senator for Finance, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
E-invoice at Siemens: EU-wide project to implement the ViDA requirements
StB Dr. Matthias Gries in-house tax consultant, Siemens (Tax Technology & VAT), guest researcher and lecturer at the University of Bamberg (digitization in tax law/sales tax and customs) and deputy chairman of Technical Committee VI (Blockchain) of the Institute for Digitization in Tax Law (IDSt)
Digitization of public purchasing and procurement processes
dr Lars Rölker-Denker Coordination Office for IT Standards (KoSIT), The Senator for Finance, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen Holger
Lehmann Head of Management, Federal Information Technology Center (ITZBund)
Ernesto Buholzer Sepúlveda City Council, City of Nuremberg
Other panel guests in consultation
Moderation: Guido Gehrt Deputy Editor-in-chief, authorities mirror
The e-bill in Germany on the road to success: Current findings and options for action
Dominique Corazolla International Working Group,
Philipp Liegl Interoperability Working Group and
Andreas Killinger International Working Group, Electronic Invoicing Association (VeR)
Moderation: Tim Roßky Board member of the Electronic Invoicing Association (VeR)