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The Ministry of Finance is accelerating works for implementation of the National e-Invoicing System (KSeF)

According to the published schedule:

  • on 23 May 2023 a new draft version of FA(2) logical structure has been released to allow adaptation of IT systems to the upcoming changes,
  • in June 2023, the new logical structure is expected to be officially published on ePUAP website,
  • in July 2023, a test environment adapted to the new logical structure is expected to be rolled out, along with the relevant documentation,
  • on 1 September 2023, a production environment supporting the new version of the FA(2) logical structure is expected to be released.

Therefore, from 1 September 2023, a new version of the FA(2) logical structure will be binding for the purposes of issuing e-invoices via KSeF, replacing the current FA(1) logical structure.

Source PwC


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