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ECJ VAT Cases – Pending cases

Last update: June 13, 2024

  • C-278/24 (Genzyński) – Not yet published
    • A Polish Case
  • C-277/24 (Adjak) – Questions
    • A Polish Case
    • Management Board Chairperson Denied Access to Tax Proceedings
  • C-276/24 (KONREO) – Questions
    • A Czech Case
    • Should the customer be liable to pay VAT in case of fraud?
  • C-270/24 (Granulines Invest) – Not yet published
    • A Hungarian Case
  • C-262/24 (Pegazus Busz) – Not yet published
    • A Hungarian Case
  • C-261/24 (Alizeu Eolian) – Not yet published
    • A Romanian Case
  • C-251/24 (Axpo Energy Romania State) – Questions

    • A Romanian Case
    • VAT Directive and Additional Tax Liability for Market Participants
  • C-234/24 (Brose Prievidza) – Questions

    • A Bulgarian Case
    • VAT Refund when goods remain in the supplier’s Member State and the supply is artificially separated from the intra-community supplies
  • C-232/24 (Kosmiro) – Questions
    • A Finnish Case
    • VAT implications factoring
  • C-213/24 (Grzera) – Questions
    • A Polish Case
    • Interpretation Economic Activity and Taxable persons in case of Sale of Immovable Property
  • C-164/24 (Cityland) – Questions
    • A Bulgarian Case
    • Automatic Removal of Taxpayers from VAT Register
  • C-125/24 (Palmstråle) – Questions
    • A Swedish Case
    • Interpretation of Conditions for Exemption from Import Duties and VAT on Re-Importation
  • C-121/24 (Vaniz) – Questions
    • A Bulgarian Case
    • Legal Considerations of Joint and Several Liability for VAT Debts After the Principal Debtor Ceases to Exist
  • C-101/24 (Xyrality) – Questions
    • A German Case
    • Implications for VAT Obligations of Digital Platforms Prior to 2015
  • C-72/24 (Elliniko Dimosio kai Anexartiti Archi Dimosion Esodon) – Questions
    • A Greek Case
    • Use of threshold values/fair prices to determine the customs value of imported goods
  • C-808/23 (Högkullen) – Questions
    • A Swedish Case
    • Taxable amount of services provided by a parent company to its subsidiaries
  • C-796/23: Česká síť  – Questions
    • A Czech case
    • Is ‘designated partner’ liable for the entire society?
  • C-794/23: Finanzamt Österreich – Questions
    • An Austrian case
    • Requirement to pay VAT that was overcharged mostly to “end consumers”
  • C-785/23 (Bulgarian Posts) – Questions
    • A Bulgarian case
    • Status of a universal postal service
  • C-763/23 (Dragoram Tour) – Not yet published
    • A Romanian case
  • C-744/23 (Zlakov) – Questions
    • A Bulgarian case
    • Whether the provision of a legal service free of charge is a ‘supplied service free of charge’
  • C-733/23 (Beach and bar management) – Questions
    • A Bulgarian case
    • Legal Challenges: Business Coercive Measures and Proportionality Concerns
  • C-726/23 (Arcomet Towercranes) – Questions
    • A Polish case
    • Are Transfer Pricing Settlement invoices a Supply of Services?
  • C-680/23 (Modexel) – Questions
    • A Portguese case
    • Must the phrase “the following period” in Art. 183 be construed literally as the immediate period in the calendar year?
  • C-640/23 (Greentech) – Questions
    • A Romanian case
    • Deduction of VAT in case VAT has been collected and cannot be refunded under national law
  • C-624/23 (SEM Remont) – Questions
    • A Bulgarian case
    • Right to deduct input VAT based on a protocol
  • C-622/23 (RHTB) – Questions
    • An Austrian case
    • VAT Implications in Work Contract Cancellations
  • C-615/23 (Dyrektor Krajowej Informacji Skarbowej) – Questions
    • A Polish case
    • Compensation for Public Transport Services
  • C-613/23 (Herdijk) – Questions
    • A Dutch case
    • Liability of Directors for Unpaid Tax Debts: Proportionality and Good Faith
  • C-605/23 (Ati-19” EOOD) – Questions
    • A Bulgarian Case
    • Interpretation of Article 47(1) of EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
  • C-594/23 (Lomoco Development and Others) – Questions
    • A Danish case
    • Is land with a pre-cast foundation, and on which a residential building is only subsequently constructed by other owners, building land?
  • C-576/23 (Elite Games) – Questions
    • A Romanian case
    • VAT rate applicable to ”right of entry to amusement park”
  • C-527/23 (Weatherford Atlas Gip) – Questions
    • A Romanian case
    • Refusal of the right to deduct if services are not used for taxable transactions
  • C-475/23 (Voestalpine Giesserei Linz) – Questions
    • A Romanian case
    • Right to deduct VAT if goods purchased are provided to a subcontractor for the subcontractor’s taxable transactions
  • C-429/23 (NARE-BG) – Questions
    • A Bulgarian case
    • Right to deduct input VAT for supplies received before their registration under national law during COVID-19
  • C-331/23 (Dranken Van Eetvelde) – Question
    • A Belgian case
    • Joint liability in case of VAT fraud
  • C-248/23 (Novo Nordisk) – AG Opinion
    • A Hungarian case
    • Reduction taxable amount on ex lege payments to the State health insurance agency
  • C-243/23 (Drebers) – AG Opinion
    • A Belgian case
    • Qualification as ”new building” – extended revision period of 15 years in case of renovation of an existing building
  • C-184/23 (Finanzamt T II) – AG Opinion
    • A German Case
    • Are supplies within VAT group outside scope of VAT if input VAT is limited?
  • C-182/23 (Makowit ) – Questions
    • A Polish Case
    • Expropriation of plot of land from farmer, previously used for agricultural activities subject to VAT
  • C-179/23 (Credidam) – Questions
    • A Romanian Case
    • Are payments provided by law considered taxable transactions?
  • C-171/23 (UPCAFFE ) – AG Opinion
    • A Croatian Case
    • VAT liability where the objective facts indicate that VAT fraud has been committed through the creation of a new company
  • C-87/23 (Latvijas Informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģijas asociācija) – AG Opinion
    • A Latvian Case
    • Right to deduct VAT of a not-for-profit organisation paid on services acquired in the context of a project to implement a State aid scheme financed by the European Regional Development Fund
  • C-73/23 (Chaudfontaine Loisirs) – AG Opinion
    • A Belgian case
    • VAT exemption for online gaming vs. offline gaming
  • C-60/23 (Digital Charging Solutions) – AG Opinion
    • Charging electric vehicles
  • C-37/23 (Geocivi) – Questions
    • An Italian case
    • 2009 earthquake – Refund of tax at the rate of 60%
  • C-741/22 (Casino de Spa and Others) – AG Opinion
    • A Belgian Case
    • Different treatment for online lotteries offered by Loterie Nationale, which are exempt from VAT, and other online games of chance offered by private operators
  • C-709/22 (Syndyk Masy Upadłości A) – AG Opinion
    • A Polish Case
    • Split payment: Transfer funds of the insolvent taxpayer’s VAT account
  • Joined cases C-639/22, C-640/22. C-641/22, C-642/22, C-643/22, C-644/22  – AG Opinion
    • Dutch Cases
    • Does the exemption for the management of mutual funds apply to a pension fund?
  • C-573/22 (Foreningen C e.a.) – Questions
    • A Danish case
    • Whether the VAT charged on the Danish media licence fee between 2007 and 2017 should be refunded

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For an overview of ECJ cases per article of the EU VAT Directive, click HERE


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