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GVC hosts a new live webinar on VAT on Digital Services in Africa (April 25)

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The landscape of tax compliance in Africa

The African continent is experiencing a significant shift in its economic landscape with the emergence of digital technologies, creating new opportunities and challenges for businesses operating within its borders. One of the most pressing challenges is ensuring VAT compliance in the digital economy. The taxation landscape in Africa has undergone significant changes in recent years, with many countries introducing or updating their VAT laws to reflect the realities of the digital economy. The  increase of new tax rules it has also become increasingly difficult for businesses to keep up with the ever-evolving tax regulations.

GVC’s live webinar features guest speakers from Kenya Revenue Authorities (KRA)

To help businesses navigate the complex world of VAT compliance in Africa, Global VAT Compliance is presenting a live webinar hosted by Paul Bakker, Managing Director at GVC. The webinar features guest speakers Nickson Omondi, Team Leader at Digital Economy Tax Office – Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) and Rodgers Kemboi, Tax Officer at Digital Economy Office -KRA, who will give our audience with more insights into Kenya’s leading role in the innovation fo tax collection.

Join our 1 hour live session Tuesday 25 April at 2 PM (CET, GMT+1) to learn how your business can take advantage of the growing digital market in Africa.

What you wil learn:

– New VAT Rules on Digital Services in African Countries
– Opportunities and Challenges for Foreign Digital Service Providers
– Innovations in Tax Collection: The case of Kenya
– Best practices and strategies for achieving compliance
– Q&A

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