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LLP is a body corporate & liable to charge GST on security services

In re AS&D Enterprise LLP (GST AAR Haryana) In general terms, an LLP is a viewed as an alternate corporate business model that involves the integration of the advantages of a limited liability company with the flexibility of a partnership. It allows its members the flexibility of organizing their internal structure as a partnership based on a mutually arrived agreement. From the LLP Act, 2008 the main features inter alia are that the LLP shall be a body corporate and a legal entity separate from its partners. Any two or more person, associated for carrying on a lawful business with a view to profit, may by subscribing their names to an incorporation document and filling the same with the registrar, form-a Limited Liability Partnership. It will have perpetual succession. Even if the partners opt to leave, the LLP persists. It can enter into the contracts and own property in its own capacity. It is a separate legal entity having to bear the full liability for its assets which makes it possible for partners’ liability to be limited to their agreed contribution to the LLP.

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