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Tax Authorities publish knowledge group positions

After an initial period of more than a year, as of today, Thursday, March 30, the Tax and Customs Administration publishes the so-called knowledge group positions. The publication makes it immediately clear what the Tax Administration thinks about the tax issues submitted to the knowledge groups. The questions and answers are made public via this website. This is in line with the goal of greater transparency.

The Tax Administration has 26 knowledge groups, each of which deals with legal issues and other complex questions in its own policy area. For example, knowledge groups are active in the fields of income tax, formal law and car taxation. Some knowledge groups have been making their answers to tax questions public for some time, such as the Pensions knowledge group. As of today, questions and answers from the knowledge groups from 2022 can be accessed on this website. Both new and updated questions and answers will be added.

State Secretary Van Rij (Taxation & Fiscal Affairs) said, “It is important that the Tax Service publishes its tax positions from today. By publishing, the Service transparently shows how it deals with the applicable tax laws and regulations and what this means for citizens and businesses. Disclosure provides greater certainty for all concerned. This issue is therefore important for the legal certainty of citizens and companies.

All VAT positions added so far can be found HERE



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