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Brazil VAT – Doubts on 2023 Breakthrough Hopes

Senate leader doubts 2023 indirect tax reform

Hopes earlier this year (see below) for progress to unlock competing proposals (PEC’s 110 and 45) to introduce VAT in Brazil have been cast into doubt by the head of Brazil’s Senate Economic Affairs Committee, Senator Vanderlan Cardoso. He said last week that inflation worries and complexity of reallocating funding in any reforms mean that any concrete proposals will not emerge this year.

  • Jan 2023 – New government may unblock VAT implementation plans to reform complex indirect tax regime
  • PEC 110 – Senate progresses three taxes to replace COFINS, PIS, IPI, ICMS and ISS indirect tax maze
  • PEC 45 – Federal COFINS and IPA reforms only
  • Brazil’s tax maze today
  • Brazilian indirect tax blockers
  • Alternative Federal Government July 2020 proposal – replacing IPI and COFINS
  • Blockers to Brazilian tax reforms
  • What next?



VAT news
