Electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) has been mandatory in Brazil since 2006, and the system is known as the “Nota Fiscal Eletrônica” (NF-e). The NF-e is a digital document that replaces the traditional paper invoice and is used to track the movement of goods and services between businesses in Brazil.
Here’s how e-invoicing works in Brazil:
- The supplier generates an electronic invoice (NF-e) and sends it to the customer.
- The customer receives the invoice and validates it with the Brazilian government’s tax authority, the Secretaria da Fazenda (SEFAZ). The validation process includes checking the authenticity of the invoice, the tax calculation, and the supplier’s compliance with tax regulations.
- Once the SEFAZ approves the invoice, it issues an authorization code that is added to the electronic invoice. This authorization code confirms the validity of the invoice and serves as proof that the transaction has been properly registered with the government.
- The customer pays the supplier, and the supplier reports the payment to the SEFAZ.
- Both the supplier and the customer keep a copy of the electronic invoice for their records.
The NF-e system is integrated with the Brazilian government’s tax and regulatory framework, which means that all transactions are automatically recorded in the government’s databases. This helps to reduce tax fraud and evasion and provides greater transparency and accountability in the Brazilian business environment.