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Assessment of the fight against tax, customs and social fraud: a record year, the key figures of 2022

Key figures in 4 points to be found in the press ⤵ release

1️⃣ The amounts assessed after tax audits reached an unprecedented level with a total of €14.6 billion, i.e. 8.2% and €1.2 billion more than in 2021. In terms of tax audit, 2022 confirms the year-on-year improvement in the performance of the Directorate General of Public Finances thanks to the reforms adopted since 2017.

2️⃣ After a record year in 2021, Customs’ results are once again historic in several fraud segments such as counterfeiting or tobacco trafficking.

3️⃣ Tracfin has improved its ability to feed anti-fraud services and plays a key alert role in detecting emerging fraud.

4️⃣ The priority given since 2017 in the fight against social fraud is bearing fruit with increasing results for health insurance and benefits paid by family allowance funds.

Source Lucien Gimenez


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