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GST Council slashes GST Rate on Loose Rab Jaggery to Nil, Packaged and Labeled Rab to Attract 5% GST

The GST Council convened for the first time today since the government unveiled its budget for 2023, chaired by the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman. One of the key decisions of the council meeting is to slash the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Rate of Liquid Raab or Rab Jaggery to Nil for loose sales and for pre-packaged and labeled Raab to 5% from the 18% slab. The GST Council had reduced the GST Rate on Rab Jaggery from 18% to 5% on pre-packaged and labeled Raab. If the same is sold without packaging and label, it will not attract any GST.

Read More: Taxscan


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