Poland Gift of low value – when do we deal with it? 20 February 2023118 views2 min read 1. When do we apply the low value gift laws? 2. Gift of low value – definition 3. Calculation of the value of the gift 3.1. Do we include gross or net value? 3.2. What if we have a partial right to deduct at the time of purchase – does this affect the amount of the limit? 3.3. Where do we get the gift value from? 3.4. What if I have several invoices for the purchase of goods? 3.5. Do we take into account the decrease in the value of the goods? 4. Does free goods have to be a gift? 5. Gifts with a value not exceeding PLN 20 5.1. Gift up to PLN 20 – when no tax? 5.2. What if we give the same person many gifts worth less than PLN 20? 6. Gifts worth more than PLN 20 6.1. A gift worth more than PLN 20 – when is there no tax? 6.2. Goods issued in the tax year – how to understand? 6.3. Should gifts with a value not exceeding PLN 20 be included in the records? 6.4. What if I don’t have a list of recipients? 6.5. What data should be included in the register of gifted persons? 6.6. What form should the record take? 6.7. Is the limit of PLN 100 related to a specific company or person? 6.8. Exceeding the limit of PLN 100 – how to settle VAT? 6.9. Does exceeding the limit of PLN 100 oblige to correct previous editions? 7. What about gifts worth more than PLN 100? 8. Do the rules on gifts of small value also apply to gifts to employees? Source Zrozumvat Taxable transaction This year, taxpayers have until February 27 to settle the VAT adjustment What’s new in VAT? – summary of January 2023