Ireland Revenue eBrief No. 023/23: Customs Export Procedures Manual 11 February 202353 views1 min read Customs Export Procedures Manual The Customs Export Procedures Manual has been updated to reflect the new launch date for AES (Automated Export System) and the removal of Vietnam from the list of GSP (Generalised System of Preference) countries. AES will now go live on 21 March 2023 AES will replace Revenue’s AEP (Automated Entry Processing) System for: export declarations into AEP export manifests into AEP eManifest indirect exports into the Trans-European Export Control System (ECS) There will be a short Transition Window – From 21 March 2023 to 21 May 2023 and during this time export declarations can be lodged into AEP and AES Indirect exports commenced in AEP before 21 May 2023 will continue to receive responses through AEP until 31 May 2023 AEP will close for new Export Declarations on 22 May 2023 Removal of Vietnam from the list of GSP countries in paragraph 5.6.8 as they have entered into a bilateral trade agreement with the EU and were removed from the GSP scheme on 1 January 2023. Source Customs Revenue eBrief No. 022/23: The Liquor (Excise) Licence Compliance Procedures manual Irish Revenue updates Tax and Duty Manual on Review of Opinions or Confirmations