The new decision was published in the Official Gazette by which theA.1138/2020 regarding the myDATA platform
See below in detail all the changes foreseen by the decisionA.1188/2022 :
1. Amendment of article 7 – Transmission of income/expenses and settlement entries 2022
a) From 1.1.2022 onwards, the data must be transmitted to the digital Platform myDATA, as defined by the provisions of article 15A ofKFD .
-Alternatively , the data of invoicing revenues , self- invoicing expenses and title deeds are transmitted until 28.2.2023.
-The data of invoicing expenses , self-invoicing revenues and payroll expenses are transmitted until 31.3.2023.
-The issuer’s transmission deviation and transmission failure data are read by the receiver until 30.4.2023.