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B2B eInvoicing, who bears the responsibility?

The french B2B eInvoicing & VAT eReporting mandate creates a status of  PDP (Platform Partner of Dematerialization). A PDP is a certified service provider able to carry out both eInvoicing  on behalf of its customer and eReporting on behalf of the tax authority. To become a PDP, service provider will have to go through a cumbersome journey to demonstrate its capability and its conformance to security requirements. For awarded providers, the PDP status will give an unprecedented trustworthy position on the market. This status may lead also to increase dramatically their responsability.  In carrying out eReporting a PDP will  become more deeply rooted to the business of its customer . This situation of dependency may expose the service provider to unreasonnable consequences with a subsequent question :  who actually owns the process and who bears the responsibility?

Source Tacd Cartena

