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Updated version of electronic bookkeeping platform for ICMS, IPI

The Brazilian Federal Revenue Office Nov. 29 announced the release of an updated digital tax bookkeeping system (EFD version 3.0.0) for the state goods and services tax (ICMS) and the industrialized products tax (IPI).

Version 3.0.0 of the PVA EFD ICMS IPI was made available, with changes to the layout valid from January 2023. Records D700, D730, D731, D735, D737, D750, D760 and D761 related to the NFCom were not implemented in this version.

Download through the link: -efd/escrituracao-fiscal-digital-efd

Version 2.8.6 can be used to transmit EFD files until 12/31/2022. As of January 1, 2022, only version 3.0.0 will be active.



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