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Country VAT Guide : Malta

In Malta, Value Added Tax (VAT) or Taxxa fuq il-Valur Mizjud in Maltese was introduced in 1998. The Maltese VAT legislation, known as the VAT Act, Chapter 406, which contains the provisions on the imposition of a VAT in place of an excise tax system on imports, products and services, is in line with the EU VAT Directive.
The Commissioner for Revenue is responsible for the administration and collection of VAT.

The latest ‘Country VAT Guide’ for Malta by Taxback International highlights
– What is the Standard VAT Rate in Malta?
– Requirements to Register for VAT
– Deadlines and Submission
– Fiscal Representatives
– Invoicing Requirements for Malta
– Intrastat

Take a look at the Malta VAT Guide for further insights on the above and more!



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