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Türkiye Amends Various VAT Refund Procedures, Reverse Charge Mechanism for Iron and Steel Products

With the Communiqué Amending the Value Added Tax General Implementation Communiqué (Serial No: 43) published in the Official Gazette dated 25 October 2022 and numbered 31994;

  • In the transactions subject to partial withholding, it is explained that the part of the VAT calculated over the transaction price, declared after the legal period as responsible, can be subject to deduction in the VAT declaration No. 1 of the period in which the payment for this declaration was made.
  • The rate of withholding to be applied in the delivery of products made of iron-steel and its alloys is determined as (5/10) and it is announced that withholding will also be applied in the delivery of products made of iron-steel and alloys by companies whose shares are traded in Borsa Istanbul A.Ş.
  • It is stated that refund requests arising from the deliveries of foodstuffs can be returned in cash for the deliveries in the January-June period of the calendar year, provided that they are requested as of June of the relevant year at the earliest and November of the relevant year at the latest.
  •  After the realization of the transaction within the scope of the full exemption, an explanation is made regarding the exchange differences related to the purchase of goods and services related to the transaction.
  • Pursuant to Article 24 of the Law No. 7417 published in the Official Gazette dated 1/7/2022 and numbered 31887, with the amendment made to Article 10 of the Law No. 6183 of the Collection of Public Claims dated 21/7/1953, “indefinite and unconditional surety is given by insurance companies. The relevant sections of the VAT General Implementation Communiqué are being updated in accordance with the amendment made regarding the acceptance of “bills” as collateral.


