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Global E-Invoicing mandates and other updates to E-Invoicing, Real Time Reporting, SAFT in 2023

Last update: November 3, 2022

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Legislative change

Starting date
Australia Proposal E-Invoicing Large businesses (with a turnover above AUD 50 million) 01/07/23
Brazil Draft E-Invoicing Small businesses must adopt government Simples Nacional e-invoicing from 1 January 2023 01/01/23
Dominican Republic Draft E-Invoicing DGII files the e-invoicing Draft Law for the Senate’s approval – Staged implementation as of 2023 01/01/23
Dominican Republic Draft E-Invoicing E-Invoicing for large companies 01/12/23
Guatemala Approved E-Invoicing Guatemala will oblige small taxpayers to issue e-invoices 01/04/23
India Approved E-Invoicing India B2B e-invoicing threshold drops to ₹5 January 2023 01/01/23
Japan Approved E-Invoicing New Japanese qualified invoice system per October 2023 01/10/23
Malaysia Approved E-Invoicing Malaysia e-invoicing 2023 confirmed in budget – Phased introduction based on Italian SdI live electronic invoicing 01/01/23
Malaysia Approved E-Invoicing  E-Invoicing to be implemented by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) in phases beginning from year 2023.  Pilot project with selected taxpayers. 01/01/23
Mexico Approved E-Invoicing Using version 3.3 of CFDI e-invoices (version 4.0 will become mandatory from April 2023) 01/04/23
New Zealand Proposal E-Invoicing IRD announces changes to GST Invoicing System 01/04/23
Oman Draft E-Invoicing Voluntary as of 2023, mandatory later 01/01/23
Paraguay E-Invoicing Phased mandatory e-invoicing 02/01/23
Phillippines Proposal E-Invoicing Top 100 companies as of July 2022, rest as of 2023 01/01/23
Portugal Approved SAF-T Non-resident business with a Portuguese VAT registration must submit monthly invoices under SAF-T PT from Jan 2023 01/01/23
Portugal Approved E-Invoicing ATCUD Implementation 01/01/23
Portugal Approved E-Invoicing Digital signature requirement for PDF invoices 01/01/23
Romania Approved SAF-T 1st round of Romanian Standard Audit File for Tax returns delayed to January 2023 01/01/23
Romania Approved SAF-T Medium taxpayers are obliged to submit the Information return on 1 January 2023 01/01/23
Saudi-Arabia Approved E-Invoicing Phase 2: all invoices must be issued in UBL 2.1 format. B2B invoices are subject to a CTC clearance regime, whilst B2C invoices are reported to the tax authority within 24 hours. 01/01/23
Serbia Approved E-Invoicing Generation, transition, receipt, processing, and archiving of electronic invoices. It includes B2G, G2B, B2B, G2G. 01/01/23
Slovakia Draft E-Invoicing Mandatory e-invoicing for B2G, G2G, and G2B transactions 01/04/23


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