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EU VAT FORUM Subgroup – Report on “The VAT Quick Fixes”

During the last meeting of the EU VAT Forum, a report on the VAT Quick Fixes was approved.

The present report answers the call from the EU VAT Forum to provide feedback and insights on different practical issues and difficulties that have arisen since the  implementation of the VAT Quick Fixes in January 2020.
At the plenary meeting held on 28 September 2020, the EU VAT Forum decided to take the above-mentioned work further, analyse and provide feedback on several  practical problems identified by businesses when putting into practice the Quick Fixes.
The purpose of the subgroup is to prepare a report where these practical issues are properly identified and to provide, where possible, suggestions, proposals or best  practices to be ideally discussed in the relevant fora.
The subgroup was asked to present the final report to the EU VAT Forum at its plenary session in September 2022.



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