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Plastics and Packaging Laws in Spain

1. What is the general legislative framework regulating packaging and plastic waste in your jurisdiction?

The national legislation concerning plastic packaging and waste in Spain is as follows:

  1. Act 22/2011, 28 July, waste and contaminated soil (“Ley 22/2011, de 28 de julio, de residuos y suelos contaminados”). This Act aims at regulating waste management by promoting measures to prevent the generation of waste and mitigate the adverse impacts on human health and the environment associated with its generation and management, improving efficiency in the use of resources.
  2. Act 11/1997, 24 April, packaging and packaging waste (“Ley 11/1997, de 24 de abril, de evases y residuos de envases”). This Act aims at preventing and reducing the impact of packaging and the management of packaging waste throughout its life cycle on the environment.
  3. In order to achieve the above objectives, measures are established and aimed at ensuring, as a first priority, the prevention of the production of packaging waste, and secondly, the reuse of packaging, recycling and other forms of recovery of packaging waste, with the objective of avoiding or reducing its disposal. Royal Decree 293/2018, 18 may, on reducing the consumption of plastic bags (“Real Decreto 293/2018, de 18 de mayo, sobre reducción del consume de bolsas de plástico”)

Source CMS Law


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