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Plastics and Packaging Laws in the Netherlands

1. What is the general legislative framework regulating packaging and plastic waste in your jurisdiction?

The general aim of the Dutch legislative framework is to reduce litter and to protect the public interest and the environment. There are several laws and decrees that regulate packaging and plastics waste, which include:

  1. General rules can be found in the Environmental Management Act (‘Wet milieubeheer’).
  2. The following Decrees outline further obligations and duties:
    1. the (draft) Decree single-use plastic products (‘ontwerp besluit kunstofproducten voor eenmalig gebruik’);
    2. the Decree extended producer responsibility (‘Besluit regeling voor uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid’);
    3. the Decree packaging 2014 (‘Besluit beheer verpakkingen 2014’);
    4. the Decree plastic drinking bottles (‘Besluit maatregelen plastic drankverpakkingen’); and
    5. the Decree metal beverage packaging (‘Besluit maatregelen metalen drankverpakkingen’).

Source CMS Law


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