1. What is the general legislative framework regulating packaging and plastic waste in your jurisdiction?
Packaging and plastics waste are primarily regulated by the following texts:
- Act CLXXXV of 2012 on Waste This Act contains the general rules and principles of waste management such as (a) principle of waste prevention, (b) principle of extended producer responsibility, and (c) “polluter pays” principle, etc.
- Act LIII of 1995 on the General Rules of Environmental Protection This Act provides a general authorisation for the government to adopt implementing regulations for the prohibition or restriction of producing, placing on the market, use and commerce of single-use products. The basic principles of environment protection set forth by this Act are: (a) precaution, (b) prevention and (c) restoration.
- 442/2012 (XII. 29) Government Decree on packaging and packaging waste management activities This Government Decree contains the detailed rules regarding (a) packaging and packaging waste of products placed on the market in Hungary, (b) collecting packaging and packaging waste.
Source CMS Law