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Plastics and Packaging Laws in Chile

1. What is the general legislative framework regulating packaging and plastic waste in your jurisdiction?

Current Chilean legislation contemplates environmental regulations in relation to plastic and packaging waste:

  1. Law No. 20.920, published on 1 June 2016.It “establishes a Framework for Waste Management, Extended Producer Responsibility and the Promotion of Recycling”. This law aims to incorporate the recovery of waste as a primary element in solid waste management and to introduce in the existing regulation on the matter, an economic instrument that seeks to generate mechanisms to increase the recycling of waste that is current-ly disposed of in sanitary landfills or deposited in illegal dumps.  In addition, some environmental management instruments are established in the matter of waste, among them the EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility), which means that the manufacturer or importer are responsible for the product once its useful life is over, and must comply with recycling goals established by the Ministry of the Environment.


Source CMS Law


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