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Dominica Budget Address 2022-2023 Presented Including Various Tax Measures

On 2 August 2022, Dominica’s Government Information Service published the Budget Address 2022-2023, which was presented by Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit.  Indirect tax measures include:

  • All duties, taxes, levies, and charges are removed on all pleasure crafts, and engines of pleasure crafts, imported into Dominica with effect from 1 September 2022;
  • VAT on agricultural tools and potting soils is removed with effect from 1 September 2022;
  • Certain measures are also provided for individuals, including a VAT exemption on up to 150 KWh of electrical energy provided by DOMLEC (Dominica Electricity Services) to domestic consumers per billing period with effect from 1 August 2022, along with a VAT exemption on the fuel surcharge on DOMLEC electricity services.

Source Orbitax


VATIT Compliance


  • VATAi