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Update 2 – Preparations DMS 4.1

The Customs Declarations Management System (DMS) 4.0 will replace AGS for making customs declarations. This goes in phases. First, a small number of declarants gain experience with DMS. These experiences are then discussed at a number of moments in the Customs Industry Consultation (ODB). Only after the evaluation will other groups of declarants move step by step to DMS 4.0.

DMS 4.1 will start in October 2022 and will replace the prescribed procedures within the permits ‘Registration in the declarant’s administration’ (IIAA), release for free circulation (the current G(S)PA), ‘customs bonded warehouse’, ‘Inward processing’ and ‘Special destinations’. This also happens in phases.

Several elements are involved in making the transition to DMS 4.1. This includes:

  • Check of current situation (processes, flows, authorizations, responsibilities)
  • Impact analysis on DMS 4.1
  • Functional and IT Requirements
  • Selection of Customs automation (software provider)
  • Capacity and expertise
  • Budget

In this article I will tell you more about the impact analysis on DMS 4.1.



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