The Tax Administration of Kosovo, notifies all taxpayers that starting from June 21, 2022 will initiate VAT credit verification procedures for all taxpayers who are in the VAT credit balance and on the other hand have unpaid debts to TAK.
So, TAK will initiate VAT credit verification procedures and with valid VAT credit will cover the unpaid debts of the taxpayer, who is in the VAT credit balance and on the other hand has debts to TAK.
Based on Article 30 of Law no. 03 / L-222 on Tax Administration and Procedures, as well as Article 41 of Administrative Instruction no. 15/2010, the Tax Administration of Kosovo has the right to initiate the VAT refund procedure for taxpayers who are on credit balance for more than three consecutive months and the loan amount is over three thousand euros (€ 3,000) and the same taxpayer has tax debts of more than five thousand euros (5,000 €).
The Tax Administration of Kosovo, after ascertaining the accuracy of the credit balance in the VAT declaration, with such funds will cover the tax debt of the taxpayer and the rest (if it remains) will be reimbursed to the bank account of the taxpayer.
After the implementation of the above procedure, the taxpayer will be officially notified regarding the transfer of credit balance to tax debts, what types of taxes / contributions are covered, the tax period, as well as the part of the eventual refund that will be transferred to the bank account of the taxpayer.
Source Tax Administration of Kosovo