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Law № 2260. Taxpayers who correct errors by submitting adjustment calculations by July 25, 2022, are exempt from penalties

The Main Department of the State Tax Service in Kyiv reports that taxpayers who correct errors by submitting adjustment calculations by July 25, 2022, are exempt from penalties for understatement of tax liabilities for reporting tax periods during the martial law.

Temporarily, until the cessation or abolition of martial law, VAT payers will not have the right to submit adjusting calculations to tax returns for reporting (tax) periods until February 2022 with indicators to reduce tax liabilities and / or declare the amount of budget VAT refund.

The procedure for confirming the possibility or impossibility of fulfilling a tax obligation and the list of documents confirming the impossibility of fulfilling such obligations shall be established by the Ministry of Finance.

For reference: the relevant changes were made to paragraphs. 69.1 item 69 subdivision. 10 chap. XX of the Tax Code of Ukraine Law of Ukraine of May 12, 2022 № 2260 – IX “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine on the peculiarities of tax control and administration of taxes, fees and single contribution during martial law, state of emergency.”



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