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Five key questions about e-Invoicing in Romania

The National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) has already introduced a lot of electronic tax regulations in Romania, starting with SAF-T (Informative Declaration D406 in particular), and now a new e-invoicing system (e-Factura) and e-transport system. The first of these new systems, the SAF-T reporting, was implemented for large taxpayers in January 2022, while e-invoice and e-transport are expected to become mandatory later in 2022. You can find the timeline and other details for the e-invoice below.

  • 1.  If e-Invoicing becomes mandatory will we use SAF-T Reporting too?
  • 2. What is the date that e-Invoicing will become mandatory?
  • 3. What are high fiscal risk products?
  • 4. What are the main ways of generating, transmitting, and receiving electronic invoices according to the new regulation?
  • 5. Is an electronic signature requested before the transmission of the invoices?

Source SNI


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