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Regulation governing income tax and VAT treatment of financial technology issued

Law Number 7 of 2021 (Law on Harmonization of Tax Regulations) (UU HPP) allows the Indonesian Minister of Finance (MoF) to appoint a resident or nonresident party that is directly involved in or facilitates a transaction to withhold tax from payments made in connection with that transaction. Therefore, on 30 March 2022, the MoF issued Regulation Number 69/PMK.03/2022 (PMK-69) to regulate the income tax withholding (WHT) treatment of peer-to-peer lending (P2P lending) activities and the VAT treatment of the financial technology industry. PMK-69 enters into effect as from 1 May 2022. Companies engaged in the financial technology industry should review the regulation to ensure that they have the necessary infrastructure in place to implement the procedures required.

Source Deloitte


VAT news
