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Cryptocurrency brokerage is exempt from VAT

A paid service, the purpose of which is to conclude an agreement between a company dealing in virtual currency trading and its customers, is exempt from tax on goods and services.

This was stated by the director of the National Tax Information in the individual ruling of November 4, 2021 (0111-KDIB3-1.4012.615.2021.3.ICZ).

A Polish tax resident (the applicant), subject to unlimited tax liability in Poland, from the end of January 2021 runs a business related to intermediation in the exchange of virtual currencies, taking advantage (at the time of submitting the application for the commented interpretation) from the subjective exemption from tax on goods and services due to the low turnover. The applicant is not an active VAT payer. The economic activity conducted by the applicant concerns intermediation in the exchange of virtual currencies (e.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ethereum), classified according to PKD as 64.19.Z. – other monetary intermediation. This brokerage is made on the basis of an intermediation agreement with a company specializing in virtual currency trading (company X).


See also


VAT news
VATIT Compliance
