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Commission Implementing Regulation (2021/1832) on New Commodity Codes for 2022 – Needed for Intrastat reporting!!!

COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2021/1832 of 12 October 2021 amending Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical  nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff.

Intrastat: Major changes per Jan 1, 2022

  • For ALL Intrastat reports, applicable for all EU Member States, two data fields needs to be added:
    • The country of origin of the goods; and
    • The Identification Number allocated to the partner operator in the Member State of destination
  • New Commodity Codes for 2022 (this is what this post is about!!!)
  • New Nature of transaction codes for 2022 -two-digit reporting 


See also Looking back @2021 #6: Intrastat: Major updates applicable as of Jan 1, 2022



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