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Centralised vs. decentralised clearance

Clearance is a central topic in the debate around real-time reporting. Some countries adopting this technology opted for a clearance model. We explained in a previous blogpost the meaning and functioning of clearance. Today we would like to dig deeper into the concept of clearance, highlighting the difference between centralised and decentralised clearance. In fact, clearance is not always the same. Some countries like Italy opted for a centralised clearance model, where all invoices have to be first approved by a central authority. Others, like Mexico, opted for decentralised clearance, which makes use of external platforms to approve the invoices. In the following, we will first explain how centralised clearance works in Italy, with its pros and cons. Afterwards, we will highlight the difference with a decentralised clearance model like the one in Mexico.

Source Summitto


VAT news
VAT news
