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Audio Blog: SAF-T Romania is live for large taxpayers

Romania’s new SAF-T mandate was implemented for large taxpayers on 1 January 2022. Following the release of specifications in 2021 and subsequent testing phase, information must now be submitted digitally via the prescribed format.

In this episode of the Sovos Expert Series, Rebecca Burton asks Kelsey O’Gorman, Senior Regulatory Counsel to explain what this means in practice for organisations and how they can avoid any compliance issues.

Listen as she answers the following questions:

  • What does the new Romanian SAF-T mandate mean for large taxpayers?
  • What issues are organisations likely to face in the early stages and what can they do to avoid them?
  • What happens if an organisation is not able to comply?
  • Are there any differences in how the mandate is applied for the different size taxpayers?

Source: SOVOS


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