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Looking back @2021 #24: Temporary reduction of VAT on Electricity and VAT incentives for Electric Cars


  • Energy incl. electricity prices raised sharply in the fall of 2021. To offset increased prices, some European countries temporarily decreased the VAT rates on electricity 
  • The use of Electric Cars is stimulated through reduced/zero VAT rates or VAT exemptions
  • VAT assessment of the business model behind the recharging of e-cars requires clarification due the role of the intermediaries, private persons recharging their company car, etc

EU developments

Electricity – VAT Rates

Electric Cars

Check also the previous articles on ”Looking back @2021”

  1. Brexit
  2. E-Commerce VAT Directive launched in the EU per July 1, 2021
  3. Next to the EU, 14 countries implemented VAT on E-Commerce, another 7 will implement in 2022
  4. Saudi-Arabia is the first country in the Middle East launching E-Invoicing, UAE may follow
  5. The concept of Fixed Establishments remains a major risk, and even why?
  6. Intrastat: Major updates applicable as of Jan 1, 2022
  7. Implementation/changes E-Invoicing & Real Time Reporting during 2021
  8. ECJ cases decided in 2021 on ”Taxable Amount”
  9. Increased focus on Fighting Climate Change – Carbon tax

  10. 49 ECJ VAT Cases decided (incl. orders) in 2021
  11. Split Payments
  12. Poland and France to introduce optional taxation of Financial Services – Exemption may not longer be applied
  13. Activities of the VAT Expert Group
  14. ECJ cases decided in 2021 on ”Exemptions”
  15. Pre-Filled VAT returns
  16. SAF-T (or equivalent) regulations, some more countries will implement
  17. Environmental Tax – Will Plastic Tax stop pollution?
  18. VAT Grouping, a tool to avoid VAT leakage, optimize VAT receivables and simplify processes 
  19. EU VAT Committee met twice and a proposal to transform it into comitology committee was discussed
  20. ECJ cases decided in 2021 on ”Right to deduct VAT/Refund of VAT”
  21. Global VAT rate changes, continuous monitoring needed
  22. Global overview of future e-invoicing, e-filing, real time reporting, SAF-T – Will the Big Bang in Europe start as of 2022?
  23. What happened in the Middle East?


